+ 46 234-623-213

Universal Industrial Steel


Universal Industrial Steel is a limited liability company with a registered capital of 97.000.000 Dh, It operates in the field of metallurgical industry. Its workforce is 135 people (data of 30/07/14).


Chief Executive Officer

General presentation

At the level of its management, in addition to the General Management, it is ensured by six directions, namely :

  • Financial management
  • Purchasing and logistics management
  • HR management
  • Commercial management.
  • HSE management
  • Industrial management

UIS was created in June 2009 and officially started its production activity in June 2013. The production plant of UIS is located in the area of Sidi Mekki near Berrechid, its head office is at Mohammed V Boulevard in Casablanca .


The UIS plant is a hot rolling mill with two lines. Its role is the manufacture of concrete and wire rod.
Its area is 68.000 m2, built in covered metal framework, constituting the workshops, the production line and storage areas.
Its production capacity is 300,000 tons per year.