Equity guide our decisions and our actions

Listening, Dialogue
Convince rather than impose,

All of our relationships, be they personal or professional,
the colours of respect.

Efficiency is combined with professional competence
Fondée en 2013
Nos valeurs définissent qui nous sommes, elles sont le fondement de notre société et guident nos actions destinés à accompagner nos clients.
Our passion, our agility and our ingenuity have the power to change the world.
We encourage dialogue within our industry to build competencies and establish new
We work hand in hand with our employees and our customers to offer quality products and
services at the best price on the Moroccan Market
Our people are passionate and always eager to share their knowledge and skills. This allows
you to develop new ideas and see things differently, with new eyes to find the appropriate
solution without compromising quality.
Equity guide our decisions and our actions, for us it is a choice that we
respect when allocating tasks, the performance evaluation, promotion, recruitment and the
allocation of resources.
Listening, Dialogue
Convince rather than impose, it is a reality in our society. Our
approach is to encourage dialogue and listening between employees and between
employees and top management on the other hand.
All of our relationships, be they personal or professional, must display
the colours of respect. This noble value must be lived in the diversity of the people who
make up our society. Indeed within UIS, each employee is respected, beyond the simple
consideration of his skills as a whole person with personal and professional aspirations
The value of sharing, in the company, is to highlight the experience
and knowledge of each employee that enriches society and the registrant firms learning.
Efficiency is combined with professional competence and economic
profitability, our society, to accomplish his mission and his livelihood, relies on a team of
excellent professionals, able to meet the needs of its customers without neglecting the
requirements imposed by the competition.
Le professionnalisme apparait dans l’ensemble de nos actions.